Wednesday, March 22, 2006

It works!

Yes, the phone guys came by and fixed the line and now everything works again... Everything, that is, except for Chris's mouth. We just spent a fun-filled exciting three and a half hours at the hospital waiting for them to look into his mouth. And what did they say, you ask... that he needed to see a dentist. Well, no s**t. But they got him started on antibiotics and he should be better in the morning and hopefully he will be toothless by next week.

In other news my first paycheck from EHC was way too much. They paid me as if I had worked for the past two weeks... when really I only worked two days. It's not a bad start, but really, do I have to give it back?

My first full week of working and I spent several hours making ribbon roses, filing stuff, cleaning out a closet, and making binders. I love my job!!! (and yes, I really did say ribbon roses)

Anyway, the chicken McNuggets in my belly say it's time to go to bed.... mmmm, greasy.


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