Wednesday, May 24, 2006


As you have all guessed, I have returned from my wonderful weekend in SoCal. The faire was awsome!!! We did the pox cure gig and covered everyone in green goop, we sang poorly, and gave some entertaining directions to people visiting. All in all, it was a very successful invasion. I got to see all kinds of people I haven't seen in a year and drink rum. The trailer I stayed in was confy (thanks Ann and Mark!!!) And a good time was had by all. I can't wait for our season to start up.

The slightly negitive side of the whole trip is... my car. Poor Peter is on his last legs. He has a niose that I can't readily identify that occures when the car has to shift, he needs new tires, an alinment, and possibly a new windshield. Just a lot of time, money, and effort. And to that end I am test driving a Honda Fit on friday. A brand spanking new car for me.

I don't have money to pay for it, but that is all part of the American dream, right? By the way my little Geo is worth almost 5oo bucks. Who would have thought? Stay tuned to see if this actually happens or not. It depends on what kind of terms I can get the car dealer to give me. But I'm ready. At least the dealer won't throw things at me and spit in my face, so I am set. Wish me luck. Oh and if you have any cash that need a good home, I'm begging. I'll even make a little sign.

Today I came in early to work to get permission slips from the kids who were going to the Tech museum. I am staying late for the training that was cancelled because of a bomb scare... Oh I should tell you about that. I was at the other site on Monday night where one of the Managers sticks his head in the room and says "You need to evacuate now. This is not a joke." Well, alright then. I calmly told the kids that it was like a fire drill and we walked outside with out having a clue of what was going on. Then one of the tutors from my site arrived and informed me that it was a bomb threat. I informed all of the adults around me (because kids scare really easily) and one of them said "well they should move us further away from the building then" As she said this, we were asked to move across the street. Not really fun. It was cold, and a long wait. But at least the twenty cops and dogs that showed up were fun to watch. After a while we sent the tutors home and went home myself after 45 min. So that was my monday. And now everyone is coming here. Joy. At least this means I can come in late tomorrow if I want. But I don't. I love my job. *grin*

I should get back to my files before someone realizes I am writing in my blog and not doing work related things.


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