Monday, June 12, 2006


There is nothing better to do to waste time then spend it in Ikea. Just getting the meatballs will take you a while and then you still have the entire store to meaner through. Why is this the first thing on my mind? Well, because I just spent a lovely Sunday doing just that. It's amazing how many things exist that I never knew about, or possibly never needed to know about. But, then again, maybe I really do need ice cube trays in the shape of puzzle pieces and wicker rocking chairs. Then again, maybe not.

I added to the excitement by driving through a car wash. It was so cool. The suds were different colors. Erin and I got snacks and then proceeded to be entertained. The big brushes went *thud thud thud* and there was spry and everything. SO cool. I suggest everyone who is easily amused go to the drive through car wash.

Other than that, this was a pretty boring weekend. Didn't do much but watch TV and wait to go out. Which is something I need since I now am not open to another free weekend for a few weeks. But I love being busy.

One more exciting thing... In the supermarket line I was discussing the nasty idea of putting cherries on a snickers cake. The guy in line in front of us joined Chris's side *eeewww* and then we got to talking. It seems that this guy is a cartoonist in SC and knows my favorite cartoonist. I even got his card. How fun. Always one step away from greatness...



Polar said...

Was it Bean?

Adie said...

Yes, it was. Do you know him too?

Polar said...

Hah! I had a feeling it was =)

I know him mainly through others Jon (since he used to go to the video store Jon worked at) and Ian/Troy (Comicopolis, for the obvious reason). He was at Comicopolis when I was there not too long ago.