Tuesday, September 12, 2006

And so it is

Or isn't as the case may be.

I'm welcoming the world to Tuesday. But since most of the world has been doing this Tuesday before I got out of bed...

Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of 9/11. (I know I don't need to remind anyone of that.) Today is the fifth anniversary of when I was supposed to leave for Peace Corps, but wasn't allowed. Which, by default means it's been five years since I really started the whole PC thing. Which means that this Thanksgiving, I will have been home for three years. And I should really start looking for a Russian teacher or I am going to forget everything!!! (Was that convoluted enough for everyone?)

Anyway, I'm getting distracted by a lottery ticket sitting on my desk. I haven't scratched it yet so it had become Schrodinger's lottery ticket.

I'm out.

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