Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hoops of joy

** A note for non-costume wearing readers: Hoops are fun. They swing, they hit things, and most of all they make you feel like you have just stepped out of Gone With The Wind. They change your whole way of speaking and make you say things like "rahlly" instead of "really". I highly recommend hoops to anyone who needs to feel special for a while (and not the special in the head, the special on the outside). Thank you **

My hoop came in the mail yesterday. I danced around the room in it for quite a while before I realized I need to finish sewing on the trim for my bodice before this upcoming weekend. I can't believe how quickly it came too... I ordered it on Friday last week. (The more amusing part is the tracking number the post office gave them still says something along the lines of "the package info has been received and we'll tell you more later") But as you can see, I am delighted. Truly delighted to own a hoop. **Warning, Costume geek moment** Another thing I am amused with is the re-occurrence of fashions. Some of you might not know but hoop skirts were around in the time of queen Elizabeth and then moved to the sides (those things that made women look like they had huge hips in the 18th century) and finally went (mostly) away only to make a come back with Victoria. Now, I don't even pretend to follow fashion, but I know that it is always cyclical... Does that mean the kids will be wearing hoops again in 100 years? What a faboo image! Space hoops! *grin* (Or, if you watch Firefly... Apparently they do exist)

But, enough about hoops. Now it's time to talk about voting. Or my lack of voting and how I should really be going so I can go and do that. Look, I'm being a good citizen. I'm voting for people who won't win in order to show the government who is boss. Yah, that'll show 'em.


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