Friday, October 05, 2007

A month? What do you mean?

I turned in all of the paperwork for my maternity leave yesterday. And then I came to the jarring reality that I was making plans not for the far future, but for about a month from now! Woah! Which of course started a flurry of activity including me cleaning out the dresser that I had stuffed all of Melody's stuff into and cleaning out a closet and several other baby related moments.

I went to see the OB yesterday and she said Melody is getting fat and seems to be very happy. (Her mom isn't too happy, but the baby is) I also get to see my regular Dr. next week to look into the bloody noses I keep getting. Yes, we are back to those. Mostly because they are not going away and I don't have any other odd things going on. But on the plus side it means that I get to go through another battery of blood work. I am going to be so light headed... Did you know that the closer you get to your due date the more you have to see the OB? I have now officially moved from once a month to every two weeks. I wonder when I get to see her every week?

Alright, it's that time again...
I'll talk to myself more later.


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