Monday, July 30, 2007

Wacky weekend

This past weekend I had company... Not your normal, friends showing up company, but relatives from out of town. Which is excellent...Except they there were two rather large men coming and I have a rather small house. So to make room for everyone I got them a hotel room. Which was big, had air conditioning, and had a reasonable sized shower.

Meanwhile, back to my story... So My brother came into town on Thursday night, which was just perfect as I could pick him up from the airport and home without having to take time off work (and in my last week that just looks bad). Then we went home, after getting a little lost in San Jose because I was forced to go downtown after a brief stop at Target. I filled the living room with my princess and the pea air mattress and we were good. The next day I made him do all of the errands that I had been holding off and that night my dad came into town too. We had a wonderful sushi dinner and went to bed quite late.

On Saturday we all went (all being Mr. C, dad, bro, and myself) to Monterrey were we looked at all the really big fish in the aquarium and learned all about Jelly-fish. It was great. I love the aquarium. I love the penguins too! After a brief stop for lunch we then rented a four person bike and took off on a hair raising adventure.

What's that, never heard of a four person bike? It seats up to six in a two by to arrangement and looks like a golf cart with pedals. The biggest issue was that I was forced to steer. Normally I would be amused greatly by this but the men folk decided to make my life more interesting my going as fast as they could towards intersections where I had to fit this huge bike/surrey thing through a small opening between two metal posts... And so there I was with my feet lifted off the pedals (which were moving too fast for me to help with) and trying not to crash us into anything with a breaking lever that didn't work very well... We managed to scare a good lot of people but I can proudly say that I didn't hit anything stationary or human! Go me!

After an hour of fearing for my personal safety we returned the bike and headed back to SC for an early night and a little down time. Which was very nice. Sunday morning we headed out once more to breakfast. (There is nothing quite like Sunday brunch) and we were off to Carmel. Unfortunately so was everyone else and we hit a huge traffic jam. After a while we arrived though and had fascinating conversations about conspicuous consumption and how pretty jewelry was. Then it was back home to drop off my brother and I and dad went back to the central valley.

My bro and I then went off to a nice deli dinner and the Simpson's Movie. Ah, a weekend with family.

And now I am sitting here with two days left of this old job and I have nothing left to do. I have cleaned up all the files, I have finished everything I can and now I just have to sit here and wait...bored. Why isn't it Wednesday yet?

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