Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dicken's Fair

Yesterday we bundled up the baby and drove up to SF for the fair. It was great. Well... mostly great. I felt wierd not being in costume and sad that I wasn't singing with the carolers...but I got to introduce Melody to lots of people who have been wanting to meet her for several months. We walked around for a while and spoke to people and then sat down and watched Ms. B kick some serious butt in Pitates of Penzance. My favorite part was every time that she hit a high note the baby would jump. Highly entertaining. My friends are way too cool!

Afterwards we went to get a family portrait. It was one of those dress up pictures and all of us together look so very good. I can't wait to put the picture up on the wall. I also can't wait to post the picture here.

The weekend would have been perfect if I had not gotten sick. That's right. I have a cold and I am hoping very much that little miss won't catch it. There is a lot of handwashing and not being around the baby as much as possible. Unfortunately she depends on me so much and Mr. C goes back to full time work tomorrow so I don't have much of a choice but to be with her a lot.

Speaking of which we went to the Doctor last week and Ms. M was 8 1/2 lbs. So hopefully when we go back this week she will be 9. Her fat little legs and arms are perhaps the cutest thing ever!

And now I will fold laundry...

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