Step one: Taxes.
Yes, really, taxes. We went in and had our taxes prepared for us today. (We didn't want to do it because of the 2 state, moving and baby stuff.) Low and behold we are getting money back. Lots of money back. Like, enough money to pay off a huge chunk of our credit debt and still save some for later back. It's like money handed to us on a silver platter. We paid a lot to get this wonderful money, but it was well worth it. And next year you can bet your sweet patootie that we will be going back.
Step two: Unemployment.
Last you heard from me my unemployment had run out and I was panicking. I applied for an extension that very night. And this afternoon, low and behold, it came. So I will be receiving unemployment for thirteen more weeks. That is not to say that I have now actually started looking for a job for reals, I have a true time line now and will find something. Here is something I have been missing, the faith.
Step three: Bonuses.
Mr. C is about to receive one for a job well done. Hopefully this will be enough to finance our vacation in August.
Step four: Cashing in CALPers.
So, yes, not much coming from them. But my eleven months of service isn't useful in any other way than to get us through the hard times. Like right now. So we will use it.
Step five: Not sick baby.
Melly is all better. And was in top form today at the tax place. Plus she slept in until 5:45 this morning which is a far cry from the 4:30 she has been doing lately. So cheers!
See, it's not so bad. Things usually seem to work out for us. But not until I get to have my day of panic and then get to feel the sweet, sweet feeling of all the stress drain from my shoulders. So on a beautiful 70 degree and sunny day, just let me say... We feel good, oh we feel so good, yah!