Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Things that aren't very fun

So this week along with some positives are some negatives...we will start with sick baby. She started with a runny nose before the shots on Monday and Monday night and Tuesday she was a miserable sack of baby. We even gave her baby Tylenol. Positive side to this she is much better now and eating again. Her nose isn't running anymore, but it is all crusty (eeeewwwwww!) and her fever is gone. All better.

Second negative, my unemployment is up. No more money for me. So I am now looking for a job. In the biggest unemployment boom since the 80's. I'm living in a state with over 8% unemployment. Great. And lots of my skills are in social work, you know one of those fields were all the funding is being cut. So wish me luck.

I don't want to give my baby back to daycare, but I sure as heck want her to be able to eat. So hopefully I will get work soon.


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