Wednesday, June 29, 2005

and on, and on, and on...

I just got back from Bewitched. I liked it, no matter what anyone says. It's cute and funny and well, I like Nicole Kidman. So there. And that is all I have to say about that. Well, actually I have lots more to say about it, but I'm not going to because I don't want to spoil the movie for other people.

What else is going on? Well, I just decided to visit King Tut in LA and then come home for about 24 hours before flying off to the U.P. Brilliant, I know. I especially likr the part where I am going to work for 11 of those hours and probably not sleep much for a few days. My life just keeps getting better and better. But I am doing it to myself and these are things I want to do. So humm, humm, humm!

Better than that I just got the last three Girl Genius comics. So wonderful.... Slightly victorian mad scientists in a alturnate timeline... plus, the main character looks an awful lot like me. (Plus she is often found working in her lab in her adorable victorian undies....) *Sigh* I need to meet more mad scientists. Not the" blow up the world and re-make it in my own image" kind; The "world needs to be a better place and it's my responsibility to make it that way" kind. It doesn't hurt if they are cute too. With lots of pets... and a castle...and cool costumes... yah............

Alright, enough of that. I'm going to work. It's wednesday night, that means I get to clean the laundry room.....

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