Sunday, June 26, 2005

In the middle of the night

I went and got myself a tattoo today. And guess what, it hurt...a lot. Keeping in mind that I happen to be a big baby when it comes to pain that I inflict upon myself, this should be no big shock to anyone. If you're wondering, it is a little bunny on my ankle. Very cute. I'm kinda proud of myself.

I also got the courage to sign up for auditions for faire today. But to tell you the truth, even if I don't get a named part I already know I am going to be a Maiden and will most likely still end up in the pagent show. So no big loss for me either way, right? Now if only I could think up a good monologue... perhaps I will fall back on Shakespear. (Just like everyone else) *grin*

Right now I am at work. Obviously work really hard too... I should go check the house in a moment to make sure all the windows are closed and the doors are locked. Or perhaps start the laundry, or maybe even do a room check. Now that sounds like fun... where is that flashlight?


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