Tuesday, April 22, 2008

When life hands you lemons...

...you end up with a very puckered face.

So here is the deal. After last week of being sick and then getting a lay-off warning, I have now been informed that my childcare provider is changing occupations and will no longer be watching children after May 31st. Great. Just what we needed. A little more stress.

However there is a little speck of light in the darkness. I found another childcare provider who is not too far away who is willing to give us a slightly reduced tuition and she is available immediately. So the whole "we need to move by June 1st" has just been put off a little longer. That does not mean, however that we are staying in SC. Mr. C has submitted several job applications and we are waiting to see what will become of those. And once he has a secure position, we will be moving... to wherever we need to. It's just too expensive to live here any longer. Instead of moving forward, like we were, we seemed to have stalled out. An thus... It's time to move forward and out.


blue-foot Sue said...

I'm very happy to know that you will not be forced to do everything so fast! Now you will have time to get your ducks in a row before the tidal wave.

littledevilworks said...

I'm very sorry that you're dealing with all this and I wish there was more I could do to help. On the other hand, I'm excited that you might end up geographically closer to me giving me some Melly time!