Thursday, July 26, 2007

You know what makes me mad?

When you are asked by someone from another site to go over to their site and 'help' them move one of the tutorial rooms. Wanna know why it makes me mad? Because 'help' was code for do it all yourself. I walked into the other place right when I said I would be there... the person I was 'helping' was in the middle of a meeting. She sent me to the room to start. Start what? I wasn't actually told what we were doing. I went over to the other room. Nothing had been touched since the last time I had been there a month earlier. SO I started sorting out what was needed and what could be gotten rid of.

The other woman showed up half an hour later and said, so let me show you what we are going to do. She showed me cabinets that were full of other junk and sitting in the opposite side of the building from the room that everything was being moved into. Then she said she had some more meeting and I should just 'finish'. Finish? I can't lift and carry heavy things!!! I can't climb on chairs and tables to get stuff off walls!!! I'm frickin six months pregnant!!!


So I pulled down everything I could reach. Piled all the stuff that needed to be moved on the table. And sat down and waiting a while. Nothing happened for another half an hour. So I locked the door and went looking for the woman I was 'helping'. She was in another meeting. I told her there was nothing else I could do. She said, but I need you to help me decorate and such. I said: I need to get to my own office sometime today and I can't do anything else until everything is moved. She sighed and gave me a sad look. I told her I was leaving.

So, three hours later, with nothing done, I ended up back at my own desk.

The moral of the story... Don't offer to help!

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