Monday, January 19, 2009

Another milestone?

Today we said goodbye to Grandma D. It was a very nice visit and to finish it off Grandma D treated us to lunch. We had our food and were just getting into eating when Miss. Melly started to projectile vomit. Yummy! I had no idea one child could have so much food in her belly. After several bouts, completely covering herself, her daddy, and the table and floor she stopped and gave me the most pathetic look of "I don't know what just happened but I think I might be upset about it". I quickly stripped her out of her outermost layer and then escorted her back to the car where I stripped her completely, wiped her down with baby wipes and re-dressed her in the extra clothes we carry.

I have never managed to deal with another persons vomit without getting sick myself. I am amazed that I dealt with this so well. As did her daddy who cleaned up the restaurant while we were in the car. And in case you were wondering she is fine. We think that she either got something caught in her throat or had a sour stomach from too much lemonade. Either way she is happy, clean and on her way to her afternoon nap.

Thank you for the visit Grandma D. (And all the clothing!) And now we are getting ready for Mr. C's trip to CA next month and Ms. B's visit right after he gets back! Yah!

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