Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

In order to not have to go to in-laws for thanksgiving, I am working. It's not too bad either. So far I have a living room full of girls, one in each room as well, and my personal favorite... I've been here since 9pm. That's a full two hours early for work for me. Which means that the girls were not sleeping yet. Hummmmm.

And better yet. We ran out of dish detergent. So, in my infinate wisdom I put in liquid soap. It's kinda like tha I love Lucy episode with the washing machine and the box of suds. The kitchen floor, however has never been cleaner. And this would, in fact, be the perfect time to laugh at me. :)

Tomorrow I am going to sleep most of the day, wake up to make mashed potatos and eat a thanksgiving dinner with my hubby and then come back to work. Because all play and no work makes Adie a poor girl. But holiday pay makes up for some of it... really, it does.

I was going to spend lots of time talking about how exciting con was. How much fun I had playing Buffy and Redneck Voltron, but I have lots all of the excitment... Actually I wrote about it in my paper journal and lot steam to do it again. I think that I need to move on and let the past be the past, the future be the future, and me on my hands and knees cleaning up all the bubbles in the kitchen. *ewwww*

Alright, so everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving... I know I will.


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