Monday, February 12, 2007

Make up

To make up for my totally crappy week, the universe has put fourth an extremely wonderful past weekend. Not only did I get to go shopping with my best friend and my housemate, I also got to game with my hubby (and what a game it was) and go see lots of people I like at a symposium. I also saw Pan's Labyrinth. Ohhh, where to start...

Friday night: Pan's Labyrinth. It was dark and stormy... the perfect night for a movie. And it was a very good movie. I was a little worried walking in because usually, if everyone likes a movie, I hate it. Not the case here. My biggest issue was the violence. It was pretty violent. (Not that I am saying too violent or that it was misplaced violence, I was just not prepared for it and had to continuously hide my eyes during certain scenes.) But I loved it. I could never tell who to trust and all of the action spiraled and I never knew what was going to happen next. Truly wonderful!!!

Saturday: Lots of ren faire symposium action. It was lots of fun seeing people I don't see too often and it was also great fun to realize that I know enough that the classes were boring. And that's a good thing. I was feeling like I didn't know anything and now I have this little ego boost. *grin* I am all set to start on two new costumes for this up coming year... I got lots of ego stroking and lovin from friends, (in relating this day to friends I was told it was because in the high school of ren faire I happen to be in the popular crowd)and I am quite pleased by the entire thing. Yah!!!

Sunday: Shoppies!!! I got to go out with two of the coolest people ever and shop. How could the world be more perfect? Oh, by letting me buy a pair of pin stripped pants with suspenders? Yep, that works. They are totally 1940's glam girl pants and not only do they fit and look good, they are exactly what I was explaining to Ms. N about 20 min before I found them. *sigh* true love. Then It was off to a LARP. Yes, I know I haven't gamed in a while and most of you were hoping that I was over this little phase in my life, but I had lots of fun. I got to be an Eshu in a Garu game. *gaming love*

So now it is Monday. I am dealing with my hubbies v-day gift. Oh, I am soooo good. Tonight I don't get to come home as I have a meeting to morrow morning at 7:45a and am spending the night in SJ with a co-worker. Hopefully I can convince some nice friend of mine to go out to dinner with me....

So the month is looking up and I am off to my weight check. See you in the funny papers...


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