Monday, March 05, 2007


This past weekend I accomplished... boxes for moving (t-minus two weeks and counting) cleaned out lots of trash from the garden room (and other rooms, but mostly there), sorted out costumes between what I am going to keep and what needs to be donated to the guild, made about five garbage bags full of stuff to donate to goodwill, made a run to the dump to get rid of the car load of stuff from the garden room, filled the car with books that I am going to take downtown to Logo's and try to get them to take from me (about 10 paper bags full), cleaned out the top of my closet and cleaned out all the 'fancy' glassware from the other closet to get ready for packing, not to mention actually packing all the videos, DVDs and things (candles and pictures and such) from the living room. Wow, all that and I still have a really long way to go. But you know what, I love moving!!!

I also have a job interview tomorrow. I'm not going to say much about it until after I go so as I don't get over-excited.

Right now I need to get off the computer and start moving so I can deal with all the stops I have to make this morning...(Logo's, LA weight loss, Suncoast, and then work)

Happy, happy, happy, happy...


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