Sunday, August 21, 2005

The way

A good way to creep yourself out at night is to watch a show about ghosts right before you go to work being awake all night. That way you begin to imagine all kinds of things lurking just outside the windows and start seeing faces at the windows. A very pleasent way to freak yourself out, but effective in keeping oneself awake.

Today was fun. I had rehersals all day and was the 'slutty' sister, got to make fun of other cast members (in a good way), teased my old faire boss, got the go ahead on what to make the new Francis bodice out of, got a new shiney (in flur-de-lis style), had McDonald's, and got in a four hour nap before work. And happily, I get to do it all again tomorrow...well, except for the McDonald's and the new shiney. But hey, I am sure something will pop out of the wood work that will be just as cool. I was also asked to play with the new off shoot of the Constables guild, the Ladies afternoon spinning society, which is the group that sponsers me in the Maiden show! I now hove two guilds to play with, a booth master who wants me to work (even though I can't) and a character to play. I suppose I should come up with an approprate faire name... Good day.

The only bad thing that happened is a little negitive attitude form one of the girls at work. She is still awake now, and it is almost three hours after she should have been asleep. At least she is just listening to music and moving around now, not talking like she was earlier. It does make me hesitant to do my work though, I don't want to go downstairs and start cleaning until I know that she is really asleep. I don't want to file police reports. Not really my style.

It's good to have a day that isn't too stressful. On monday I am going to pick up my contacts. Hopefully I will be able to deal with these better than I dealt with the ones I had when I was little. (It didn't go very well, lots of crying and frustration) But at least I shall be able to see at faire this year! Cheers to that.

I haven't heard any noise from the back room for quite some time now, so maybe I can get on with my night... nope. Movement, again. Sheesh! I'm never going to get anything done at this rate. Perhaps I should go and do the dishes instead. Anyway, night.

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