Sunday, August 07, 2005

Home again, home again

Ok, so I have been gone for just about two weeks and so much has happened. I suppose I should start with the LA portion of it all.

Well, I was rear ended on the way down. I was so tired ( I worked the night before and hadn't been to bed in over 24 hours) and so upset as I got out of the car to look at the damage... By the way, I was at a stop sign, not moving at all, waiting for a clear space to go. She rammed into me, sigh. Anyway, I have two words for you... crumple zones. I don't have them, she did. My bumper now sports cheeky white streaks on it, hers is completely dented in on the side. I almost started laughing. I finally said that I really didn't care about it, my car has been hit there before and the deductible on my baby would just about be the whole cost for replacing the bumper. So she hugged me and said "God bless you" and we went our merry ways. The rest of the trip was super though. I went to the San Diego wild animal park and the beach. Nothing too taxing or hard. And the trip back up was uneventful.

I worked the night I came home from that, and the next morning Eva drove me to the airport and I was off to the wedding in the UP. I was so excited about the rental car, not a mustang :( but it was a snazzy car. Full of all kinds of gadgets that worked properly. So cool!!! It was great seeing all the relatives and hanging out at th wedding. Charz gave me a copy of my wedding video and I showed off my wedding pictures. The next day we (Will and I ) were off to the North Shore to visit the other side of the family who were vacationing there. They had a sweet cabin on the shores of lake Superior. I was even convinced to go swimming (freezing!!!!!!!) We had a bonfire and Will shot off fireworks and there was a thunder and lighting show. Beautiful.

My way home was a little strange though. I got begged off my flight (a family of four only needed one more seat to get everyone on the flight) by a flight attendant and ended up staying an extra night in MN. But I got a free hotel, travel to and from it, a free breakfast, and a free round trip ticket. So life ain't too bad. It did make me a little tired for that night at work, but no harm.

On Friday I went up to faire site and auditioned for the stage shows... Molly said she would email me and tell me what part I had today... but that hasn't happened so far and I am beginning to worry. Perhaps she thought better after my crappy audition yesterday (what do you expect after being awake for so long?) But I also managed to return a fixed sewing machine to Shannon and get about 14 hours of sleep.

But today... well, I ordered the jacket I have been eyeballing at the GAP and I got a perscription for contacts and I had really good pasta and I hung out with my man, and I finished Tylers faire garb, and well, I am just having a good day.

Now if only Molly would email me and tell me what is going on....

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