Sunday, July 24, 2005


The night before going on vacation one tends to think about important stuff... like, did I remember to pack everything, where did I put my cell phone recharger, and will I really need three pairs of shoes? One also thinks that instead of going to crash a friends birthday party, one should have stayed home and slept. But then again, I never claimed to be the smart on in the family. Although I think the best quote of the night came in the form of "the fog came out of my nose and into my eyes." (we were eating liquid ice breath's liquid, it's ice, it's both, now shut it)

This past week has been kinda difficult. I have not had much sleep and have been getting grouchy at almost everyone. But truthfully, the week before going on vacation is a hard week to deal with. So much planning and waiting, and not killing the people you work with. Yes, my temper has been getting a little close to the surface... But now I hope I can chill out a little.

I just bought the new Orson Scott Card book...Magic Street. I hope it's as good as the cover people say it is... But then again I have never been disappointed with a Card book. And besides, the last few books I have read were that Potter book, a continuation of a Jane Austin book, and a fictional history of a non-fictional Indian princess... so a little imaginative fiction will be good for me. Hopefully I can make this one last more than a day...I have 'really' been getting into books lately.

On the other hand I keep having dreams about my car. In the first one it was crashed into a pool of slush and I needed to get it towed out but was convinced thet it was still OK to drive, once it was dried out. And the other ties into my dreams about being back in high school, and someone had broken into my baby and trashed him (ripped out the seats and stole everything out of him) I think I am anxious about my car for some reason. Good to know I have something to obsess over.

Well, it's pushing 1am and I still haven't really started doing any house chores yet...I vaccummed and cleaned the kitchen, but still have lots to do, so I guess I should get off my lazy butt and do it.


Oh, and by the way...I hate to say it but Harold and KUmar go to White Castle is actually a really funny movie.

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