Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Today the washing machine...

tomorrow the world!!!! Yes, the washing machine is hooked up. (not the dryer, mind you) I have clean clothes in my house. I also have a very real sence of deja-vu with the hanging of clothing all over the house to make it get dry. Seem like I've done it before... like in Peace Corps... but without the bucket. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.

We just got back from seeing Serenity. It was good. I kept hearing that they were never going to make the TV show again, and during the film I realized, if they kill off the whole crew then there will be no show... Brilliant!

But more exciting than that... on the way home a friend of mine hit a deer on the road. Which made a merry little chase of us then getting off the freeway and looking for her. But she checked out her car and then kept going... and the other cars in our little gravy train were just fine as well. A little bloodier, but fine. What a night.

I went to the doctor today. She took blood. It sucked. But now I have a little puncture wound on my elbow. How cute. But maybe now I will find out what is going on with all of the hair falling out and weight gain fun. She said " We'll take the tests and hope they come out positive" How many times has your doctor wanted the test to be positive? Ok, it's not as bad as all that, the problem is if it's not what she thinks it is now, there could be all kinds of strange things that might take forever to figure out, that it could be. Which means I would probably be bald before we figure it out. Not what I want. So here's to being broken.

Now it's time for bed.

Good night moon.

1 comment:

Miss Kalendar said...

If we put water on you after midnight.......you will get your hair back!

Sorry about the vampi---uh, DOCTOR. Maybe she will give your blood back when she's done with it?