Saturday, December 24, 2005


the night before christmas and what do you know,
I'm at work again, and it's beginning to blow. (heh look, it rhymed)

Tonight a 40 foot tree fell across the freeway and stopped traffic for several hours in both directions. I was ten min late for work because of it and so I feel awful. I hate being late. But because I didn't even make it off the on ramp for five min I don't think there was anyhing I could have done differently. I did call work and let them know I was going to be late. So look at me, being responsible.

Not much else going on... big storms, I spent eight hours wrapping x-mas presents for the girls last night, I drive up to visit the in-laws tomorrow, I am avoiding cleaning the bathroom again tonight, and I really wish this headach would go away. So there. This past week was kinda fun. Mom was here and I got presents from all kinds of people... I really do love presents, good will, and sparkly lights.

And now, more on sparkly lights... The dark is kinda creepy. Not because it's dark, but because we don't know what is hiding in the dark. And Halloween is a holiday all about being scared and seeing creepy things in the dark, but Christmas is about seeing beauty in the dark. How could you see how pretty the twinkly lights on the tree are without a little darkness around them? And the fog creeping through the evergreens makes the display more etherial... not spooky. So I guess that while it's still not too dark and cold we celebrate the darker side of things but when it really is cold and dark we celebrate the light. Interesting.

And for everyone out there, I lit a candle on solstice night and put it in the window. So you all kow there is always a place you can come that is warm and loving even on the coldest night of the year.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
(pretend that all the stuff in the middle rhymed ands there is my x-mas poem.


1 comment:

blue-foot Sue said...

Inspired by the two of you, I have started my own blog--check out "bluefoot Sue".