Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's my last night in the nursery. Or at least my last night at Abeona house. Next week I have three nights left and then I will be done with all of this overnight shift stuff. I think having a job where I can interact with other people is going to do wonders for my state of mind. Although having a job where I sit and do arts and crafts for several hours while getting paid is kinda cool too. But we all must grow up and leave the nursery. I told all of the girls that I am leaving today. Some took it better than others. It was funny, I could have predicted all of their reactions... one cried and was angry at me, one denied I was leaving, one was excited for me and asked questions, one seemed shocked, one was very stoic and the last one was running out the door and have very little reaction. But I think that the weekend will give them time do deal with my leaving as well as the threrpy session they will be having next week. So I guess the only person I still have to worry about is myself.

I am still uber excited. My first day of training is Monday. I am going shopping for adult clothes tomorrow and will probably get a hair cut on sunday. Wow, it's my first real job with an office, and a desk, a phone line and best of all, business cards. Whew. Just think someday soon I will become a real girl.


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