Monday, March 13, 2006


I haven't posted in a while, and it's because I haven't been around much in the past week or so. I am done and over with overnight shifts. I am now a daytime mamma.

I just got back from Calavaras and we were snowed in. I have never done faire in the snow before. It was quite a soggy adventure. We did get to sing a new song "I hate snow, La la la. Snow hates me, la la la." We are very creative. See? It was very lucky that we had an RV, otherwise I would have turned my little geo around at the first sign of snow and gone home. No tents in snow has always been a part of my personal matra. But the faire itself was so much fun. Small crowds and lots of bad singing. I got Chris a pair of slippers and myself a henna tattoo. It's all viney up my hand and wrist. (I am finding out if I am allergic to the henna or the chemicles in non-home made henna today) I will post pictures here when I have them back... silly me is still using a film camera.

It apparently snowed in San Jose and hailed something fierce here. Hummm. Perhaps it was OK being in the moutains when it snowed, because I wouldn't want to see my warm SJ under snow.

In other news... well, there really isn't any other news. Not much is going on. The Calavaras people loved the Ladies afternoon spinning society. They had us sing for the queen... (humm, sing?) They want more of us to come to other faires. And sillier yet, we might just become an actual chartered guild, not just the offshoot of another. Wow. Ground level and everything. We are talking about going to SLO and a whole bunch of other small faires to get a reputation. (Now that's what we need, a reputation. Haven't we already got one?)

I need to unpack my car, so...

1 comment:

Ddot the King said...

Good deal...