Thursday, May 24, 2007

A new day dawns...

So two days ago I received a phone call from a friend asking if he could crash on my floor Wednesday night because he needed to be in Salinas on Thursday morning and he lives in Napa. Ok, no problem. I pulled out the air mattress (yah guests!) and made up a cozy little bed in the middle of the living room. Little did I realize what a red letter day Thursday would be for me...

I ended up with two job interviews today. (Yes, this from the girl who was whining about no one wanting to talk to her last week...) One called at the beginning of this week, very respectable and made the appointment ahead of time and then there was the other one... Last week I received a phone call that I didn't manage to answer in time. And since I put my phone to automatically call the house if I don't answer the cell... there was no message. It turns out that it was this really cool job I was jonesing after at the Tech museum. Well she called me while I was on my way to drop things off at one of the various sites I currently work at. I was on a stretch of highway that didn't have anywhere to pull over or off and I was singing Nine Inch Nails songs at the top of my lungs seconds before answering the phone... Do I sound like I was in a professional place? Lord knows how I even heard the phone ring, but I answered. And the nice lady on the phone told me who she was, that she wanted to schedule a phone interview with me and that my phone didn't let them talk to me last week when they tried to call. Oops! She set me up for a phone interview the next morning (?!?!?!) at 9am... and then my phone died. Yup, right in the middle of setting up a phone interview I lost signal. Why did I lose the call in the middle of San Jose? Wasn't Silicon Valley the birthplace of cell phones? What the heck??? Luckily she called back right away... none too please. I reassured her I would make sure I was in a very suitable location the next morning at 9am sharp. (gulp) She told me I had pretty much had better and the sound of her voice was one of those 'I already don't think I like you' tones. (crap)
So I worked my full day. I went home. I stayed up until 12:30a with this friend of mine who was staying overnight. I got up at 6am to deal with driving to San Jose for the phone interview because I was told that it normally takes about half an hour and a nine o'clock phone call and a ten thirty interview means I had best be in San Jose before the who thing starts. Ok no worries. I'm mostly over morning sickness... and six hours of sleep is plenty...
I make it to San Jose. I decide that the best place I know for cell phone reception and a quiet parking lot is by my work. So I drive there. Plenty of time to spare and lucky me the park that the lot is next to has public bathrooms so I can get a little more comfortable before the phone rings. Everything is in place... then then the hammering starts. (sigh) And then I remember that my work is directly under the flight pattern of San Jose International (groan). So I'm sitting in my car with the windows rolled up answering questions about why I think I'm good enough to be the director of a program. I'm sweating like a pig but every time I open the door to let the cooler air in the hammering starts or a plane flies overhead... I'm doomed.
I managed to stay very professional through the whole interview, ignoring the heat, the hammering, the airplanes, the morning sickness, the building headache, and the fact that really needed to pee again! I'm going insane!!! On a positive note I rocked the interview. I rocked in hard core and I didn't have to use the words 'I'm awesome' even once. I am getting set up for another interview next week and I'll let you all know what happens then...
The second interview... I was running late, my head was pounding, I re-read the job description sheet and discovered I didn't want this job. It would be like stepping sideways instead of up the job ladder. So I was excited about the phone interview and feeling like crap and running late since the half hour phone interview ended up being more like and hour and a half (go me). I get there right on time and manage to be civilized through the interview but didn't try. I didn't impress them (mostly because all I wanted to do was get a big drink and take some drugs) and didn't attempt to. They told me they would get back to me...yah right.
Then I got to work.
But not until after I got to experience the utter humiliation of having to pull off the 101 freeway and puke in the bushes. Gee, I bet that was a great sight for those rush hour commuters... Ended up being a little late for work since I stopped to get food, drink, and drugs into my system. And then I gave it an hour and still felt like butt so I came home. And that's where I am now. Crossing my fingers and toes that one of these nice jobs is offered to me so I can be paid something much closer to what my degree and myself are worth. And feeling much better. It's a wonder what three hours of sleep will do for a person...
oh yes, and mom, I just got your package from UPS...He scared the bejezus out of me, but I got it.
And now I am headed back to bed. I need more sleep. And Pirates opens tonight....

1 comment:

Polar said...

Goodness! That sounds like a day I'd like to crawl back in bed and pull the covers over my head! I though getting a flat on Thursday in San Jose was bad, but you win!