Wednesday, March 12, 2008

So much to say

Here it sparkling technocolor. Well, maybe not but stuff is afoot.

We lost the condo but not the war. Currently we are talking to a lady who deals in bank foreclosures. She says that there are lots of places for quick sale out in the mountains that are in our price range. All we need to do is get a pre-approval for however much the bank can give us. (Sound familiar?) Well apparently getting a loan for a house is easier than getting a loan for a condo. There is some strange thing where they don't want to give you a loan if the whole complex is less than 51% sold. I don't understand but I will go with the flow.

Onto Melly...She started with the new daycare lady this week. What is the verdict? The new lady seems very nice and professional. She fills out this little slip of paper every day and lets Mr. C and I know exactly how much food, how many diapers, and how many naps Mel-Belle has had. Which is pretty darn cool. Melly seems to like her too. They go on long walks around town and look at fun things like the ducks and the playground. Ms. L (the daycare lady) has all kinds of wonderful things to say about Melly. The only current issue is that Melly has not completely settled down yet and doesn't take long naps. Which means she is exhausted by the time she comes home and falls asleep way too early. (Which means we're up at 4am) But I am sure she will get used to her new surrounding and everything will be fine. She also has a companion how. He is 3 years old and very rowdy. But he apparently likes her a lot too as he apparently asked his mom yesterday what "the name of their baby was again". His baby. How cute!!!

We also had our first weekend of Ren faire. It was not so great. Too much going on. a tired mom, and a tired baby makes for poor company. We spent three hours on site on Saturday and the rest of the day at the hotel calming down. Sunday was better we were on site for five hours... granted one of us was asleep and being carried around for most of it. (Here is a hint, it wasn't me.) But the drive up and down was pleasant with a sleeping girl and company for me. And Mr. C got a weekend to re-live his babyless days. So it was not a total loss. Plus baby in costume=adorable.

And now we are headed straight into another weekend...
Hold your breath, we're going under.

1 comment:

Polar said...

Pictures of adorable baby in costume please!