Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Childcare *warning, this is a whining rant*

I have to put Miss Melly into childcare again. I have several things I am looking for this time, including state certification. And I have found a very nice lady who has agreed to look after her and her brother, when he is ready for it. And this childcare even costs less than what we were paying in SC. (By just a little.) But what I wasn't ready for was how much it was going to cost to send both babies to childcare. In fact, I had a little mental meltdown last night on how in the world we were going to pay for school, childcare and the cost of living all at the same time. I'm not saying that people who do childcare don't deserve enough money to make it worth their while...and quality costs...But I honestly think that we are going to be paying more in childcare than in rent and bills combined each month. I have no idea how we are going to pay for it, even with Mr. C working and student loans. Yet one more step towards my mental breakdown...

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