Saturday, June 27, 2009

Showing my mommy pride

Today Melly went to swimming. She loves it and it is a very nice class for her and her daddy to spend together. Today in class (the second one of her second quarter) the teacher informed Mr. C that Melly was a superstar and that she was ready to move from baby swim 1 & 2 onto auqatots (which is the bigger kids class!)!!!! I am so excited for her. So not only will she get to learn some new swimming moves she will also have the older kids to watch and learn from! So proud! The teacher also said she will work with Melly on more advance swimming techniques so she will be able to be a superstar in the next class too!

What a girl!


Polar said...

Of course Melly is a superstar, look at her Mommy and Daddy! =)

So glad to hear about your instate tuition!

Nannin said...

That's wonderful. I'm so excited about your tuition. It sounds like things are coming up roses.