Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

And a full moon and wind... It's a good thing there was no school today for most of Santa Cruz. Otherwise...

My only cool story is I attempted to kill one of my neighbors when I was backing out of the driveway on my way to work. I really just didn't see her. I told her I was sorry... Well, I really don't expect people to be hanging out at the end of my driveway at 11pm on a saturday. Or ever really.

Tomorrow I am going to get a massage. A professional one hour long session and after that I will sit in people soup (a hot tub) until I can't stand up any more. I have been looking forward to this day for a while and hope it stands up to my imagination. It is, however pouring rain outside, and that means the outside hot tub will be all the more fun. *sigh* Sometimes it's good to be me.

And that said, as of Sunday I will have been at this job for a year. Wow. It doesn't feel like it. But now I don't feel any guilt in looking for a new job. I promised a year, and I have done it. But if I stay a year and a half I get a spiffy new sweatshirt...

Well, I need to go clean something, or check someone, or do something that might be thought of as work.


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