Friday, January 06, 2006

January marches on

Not much really happened this week. After all the fun of new years and Christmas, it's kind of a let down. I did start on a new sewing project. I am making a dress for one of my guild mistresses. I just had the coolest idea for it too... I hope she agrees. I really need to get started making it before I run out of excited to be sewing steam.

I had a really wierd dream that involved a n elevater that was falling and this guy trying to shoot me because he thought I was the one who broke it with his friend inside. Hummm, I wonder what that means?

I am at the other house for the first time in the new year. Somehow it feels the same. But it does look different with all the x-mas decorations pulled down. It's the same at my house. Mr. Chububkins found his way into the recycling bin. He was a good tree, and I'll miss him... untill next year, when I get a new one.

I should find some work to do.


1 comment:

blue-foot Sue said...

I hate that about holiday decorations!
It's fun to put them up. It feels exciting. They do get a little stale but I really miss them when they're gone. Ah well, there's always next year.

Any word on Seattle or stay? I have my fingers crossed!