Monday, October 01, 2007

A Bug Bomb in my Bung Hole

This weekend I learned just how much fun some things are to say. And if it weren't for this nifty little catch phrase, I would be a whole lot more grumpy...

Everything was going pretty good at faire this weekend. We were running a little late both days (one because of a meeting the other because Sunday was tired day for everyone). But besides that, they pumped my well on Saturday night !!! I was so excited!!! We were ready when opening parade came by both days it was great! We gigged and had fun and then it was Sunday afternoon... and the ants came out.

Yes, you heard me. A huge colony of ants decided to live in the well between the wood and the plastic coating. So I pulled all the girls off the well and grabbed my handy bottle of bleach and started to perform mass insecticide. Thousands of the little buggers died by my bleach covered hands!! Muhahahaha!

Then I walked up to the Entertainment trailer and said: I'm so excited that the well was pumped last night! Thank you so much. The new problem is ants. The well needs to be tented and someone needs to put a bug bomb in my bung hole. Then I realized what I said and promptly fell over laughing.

I did end up going home early, by the way... but I made sure the well was in good hands.

heh, a bug bomb in my bung hole.

1 comment:

Polar said...

You are a hero!