Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sign up now!

So last night we took Melly to get her one year pictures. It was lots of fun. The lady said "I can take any pictures as long as she will sit still for a moment". At which point Mr. C and I started laughing. Sit still! Yah, right! However after many escape attempts, several tense moments of deciding to cry or not and a few pokes at the camera... we have some wonderful pictures. (No, I haven't scanned them in yet...give me a little time, will ya?)

So if you would like some of these magical moments, let me know and I will send you a few of my favorite ones.



blue-foot Sue said...

I can't wait to see them all!

Mr. W said...



(the extra E's indicate my enthusiasm.)

Woooooooo!! !

Polar said...

Are operators standing by? >.<

Nannin said...

ooo ooo pick me