Sunday, November 19, 2006


We're ba-ack! Oh my goodness!!!!!

Ok, so I got off from work and drove home, picked up the kids and left. As the song goes... "I drove all night...". We arrived in Anaheim (with only a few minor issues... including a semi that plowed over a white car and jack-knifed across the freeway...)at about 3:30am. I made an executive decision that I wanted to go to bed then and we attempted to check in. Unfortunately the computers were busy doing their end of days stuff and we had to wait for about twenty min. Which turned out to be just fine as we were making friends with the night security guard. He is a budding animator and was showing us some of his animation on his computer. Then we checked in, and slept for a little while before being the second group in line to buy passes and tickets for the con!

After a quick stop to write down the games we bought tickets and were off... to bed again. (It was only 7am and we had only been asleep for about 2 hours that night!) Around 10am we made it awake again and walked ourselves over to Disneyland!!! Yahoo! We rode the rides (sadly the Matterhorn is still not open) and ate the food. It was wonderful. Some moments of fun... When getting on the Jungle Boat the guy who was helping us on recognized me as a faire person because of the necklace I was wearing. Humm, busted! And my favorite moment was when Ms. B and I both wanted to get our pictures taken with a stormtrooper and then both had inexplicable attacks of shy. While I was holding Mr. C's mouth shut so he didn't call him over the storm trooper walked over and put his hand on my shoulder and ended that conversation. So, as soon as I get the pictures developed (and I did finish the roll so it should be soon) I will post the infamous stormtrooper picture...

Then we went back to the dealer room of the con and I got a big old bucket of dice!!! I now offically have more dice than I know what to do with.

Because we were exhausted, we when back to our swanky hotel and went to bed...
Friday started with a LARP. (For those of you who don't know, that would be Live action roll playing.) We played Mage with the guys who created it (not the authors but the guys who work for the company.) Ms. B and I so impressed them that we were given player nods (which basically means the other people thought we were really cool) and given coupons for stuff at White Wolf. While we were there we had a very fun conversation about how we normally play and I told them I like to take my problems (in game) and make them everyone else's problems. Which they referred to as 'hijacking the plot bus'. They seemed to think it was funny, and I told them I would try my best to mess with the next game of theirs I played in... (remember this part, it comes back later). But sillier than that, they people running the booth thought I looked just like one of the characters in their rules book. (This one, right here)

The it was off to Buffy. *sigh* Buffy love. Every gamer has their true game loves and his is one of mine. We went home and slept until the next morning then...poor tired kids.

Saturday was awesome too. I fell to my base instincts and played a Star Trek game... no jokes please, especially you Ms. B. It was so much fun. But not as much fun as the Vampire LARP we crashed later that night. (OK, clarification here... we were signed up for a Vampire LARP. But the stupid people in charge lost the game (don't ask) and we ended up in another vampire LARP, just not the one we signed up for.) And this one was headed by the White Wolf people. They happily let us in and I happily played all over their plot. I apparently did it so well that they gave me another set of props that night. (To which I blushed furiously as one of them explained that I told them I would do it several hours before I actually did.) See, making friends!

Sunday was great too. We were invited to play a new game by a GM (gamemaster) and we showed up. It looked like it was going to be an awesome game, but it ended too quickly because he had to catch a plane. So with promises of future games, he left... and so did we.

The drive home was nothing exciting... except for the Arby's (which is always exciting).

Now kids what did we learn from gen con 06? That I now need to go to the bigger that is in the Midwest to get the Changeling book that is being premiered there... *sigh* Lots of gameing. So much to do. So much fun. I love this.

And now, I smartly took tomorrow off work so I can get myself all rested up for Thanksgiving.

Happy gaming everyone.


1 comment:

blue-foot Sue said...

I checked all the local news outlets on Saturday. There was no mention of a fatal accident on the 5.
Maybe it wasn't quite as bad as it looked.