I have not managed to sleep in at all this week. Or for that matter, go to the gym. But what I have accomplished is pretty marvelous. (A quick re-cap for our audience at home: New car, new x-mas tree, car tow yard, and do-dads for my Dickens dress.) And for this morning? We had an oil change and a car wash along with some serious sewing and driving a friend of mine to school. Whew! And all before 9am. I must say though, I am getting tired of all the car dealerships. It seems like I am spending quite a lot of time at the Honda dealer... Oh wait. That's because I am there every other month for oil changes.
By now you are probably wondering just what the title has to do with anything. Well, nosy. It's all about the CPR class I took today. Yes, I am once again certified. Or certifiable as the case may be. It was fun. The class has changed a lot since the last time I took one. The basics are the same except they don't expect you to look for a pulse anymore... Just jump right on in with the compressions and the breathing. We also learned how to use a face shield and one of those defibrillator thingies. (Which I heard they have at the Cow Palace and now will be looking for on Saturday.) And I got to practice on a cute little blue and gray dummy. I named him Sven. Poor thing never had a chance. (Being as he was a victim of a maniac with a chainsaw who cut him off at the hips.) Alas, they didn't say my favorite part: Do not attempt CPR is the victim is decapitated or decomposing.
One, two, three... breath!
PS Are you up to date Ms. B?
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