Friday, May 12, 2006

Business cards

I got business cards this week!!!! They have my name and address and phone extension and everything. It's like being a grown up. I can't wait to give them to everyone. Hey, would you like my...card?! Wow. If I had known that having cards was this much fun I would have done it a long time ago.

Last night I was not in the mood for dealing with the kids. In fact I was kind of snippy and not wanting to deal with anyone. And of course, when I am not in a good mood, that is when everyone wants to be around me. Every time I walked into my office several kids followed me. Goodness gracious! Why won't they leave me alone!!! But I am doing better today. Much better. I actually want to see people and be around them. (petting her own head) It's good to have mood swings, it's good to have mood swings...

I'm going to work now.


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