Saturday, February 18, 2006

The joy of work

So tonight the girls are having a slumber party. Most of them were awake until 12 or so, but two of them are stubbornly staying awake and it's almost 2. It's wierd to have company in the middle of the night. But I really wish they would go to bed so I could get a move on with my nightly duties. Oh well. At least they are watching CSI. So they have some taste.

This last week was pretty good. The interview on tuesday went really well. The lady called me the next day and recommended me to another position at the organization. And she called me awsome on the message. So hopefully something will come of this. But after so many hopeful leads, I am really getting tired of job hunting. I am going back to the college for my third interview on thursday. I really don't want the job, but if it will get me working days and with a decent salery I might just swollow my pride and do it. Who knows, it might be fun. And either way, I might just get my forrester (mmmmmm, new car)

I am going over to Ann's on monday to give her the finished skirt. I wish the company I ordered the boning from had sent it to me, so I could have finished her bodice too. But no such luck.

Feburary is almost over and I am still working overnights. Well, if I wait for another few months I will get a sweatshirt. Silly. Really silly. I wanna go to bed.


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