Friday, February 10, 2006

Reality vs what I want

He didn't call me back today. He said he would. I even slept with the phone in my bedroom to facilitate my saying yes to working at the airport. I might just have to cry. Or better yet, become pro-active and call him on monday. On the other hand, sleeping next to the phone did allow me to answer it when I got a call from another company asking me to come in on tuesday and interview for a volunteer co-ordinator position (I applied three weeks ago and had given up hope) and then when the college people called me and asked me to come back for a follow up interview on monday. Hummm. I have already decided that I don't want to work for the college. But I am going to make up a presentation on Haiku and teach it to them, and then tell them to hire another lady who was at the first group interview. Interesting tactics, right?
More entertaining, I didn't catch the name of the company I am going to on tuesday... So I am going to be doing some internet sluthing to make myself seem a little less silly when I arrive there.

And I think the best part of this whole thing, I would rather be a secretary at the airport than a presentor or a volunteer co-ordinator. Kinda sad really. Well, we all knew that I was never going to be rich, but happy would be good.

In other news, Chris has an interview on Tuesday too. It's not the job he wants the most, but it would be a full time UCSC job. *cheers* Apart from all of that, I am so tired from this week of not sleeping. I haven't had more than five hours of sleep for the past several days, and those have all been interrupted hours. *sigh* I need to find a new job soon just so I can get back to sleeping like a normal person. Although I am sorely tempted to write my letter of resignation tonight and send my best to karma that I will have a job in two weeks.

Alright, enough ranting and raving for tonight. I have pictures to put in my journal and so internet snooping to do. So, good night, and good luck.


1 comment:

blue-foot Sue said...

You should probably at least check with the airport guy to be sure. It could be that they are taking a little longer than he promised.
I hope you don't cave in and resign until you have a sure thing lined up. That will be a world of stress for you.
Minnesota has been fun, but cold!
I will be glad to be back in LA tomorrow.

Just hold on a little longer. I'm sure you will get something that makes you happy soon.