Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well, well, well

I have a cold. I guess it's about time since I have not been sick at all for the past few years. Ukraine did a number on my immune system. I hate colds. At least with the flu you get time off and sympathy. Colds just get you glares when you cough and miserable working conditions.

Nothing else is really going on. I had the third interview for the college presentor job today and basically bombed it. ( I think it was my subconcious saying I didn't want to work for them) And I have an interview on tuesday for the education specialst job, which I really want. Unfortunately my over-enthusiam might work against me here. We shall see.

Humm, a slight pause in the writing of this blog because I was distracted by the big mess of cards in my card collector. Now they are all settled again and I really need to move the wedding card to the box o' wedding stuff. But that can wait until I feel like dealing again. Until then... The pile is much smaller and life can continue nicely.

Alright I am staring at the claender for insperation, which means I should probably just go back to watching CSI.


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