Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Blog drama

Most of you know how much I dislike blog drama. It's unseemly in a person to distribute feelings of guilt and hate all over the internet for everyone to read and then post about. That being said, here is my personal moment of drama...

My company is reaching the end of the fiscal year. As of last Friday several people were laid off. Including two from my office. (I work in an office of eight people, so it's really traumatic) And far more traumatic for me, the head honchos want to cut me from a 40 hour a week job to a 30. If they do so, my salary will be cut to a point where I would be better off working on this side of the hill at McDonalds. (Ok, probably not quite so drastic, but this is a drama blog, so pretend that's true) I would make a lot more money if they would switch me to hourly wages, but they caught on to that little scam pretty quickly and denied me that option. Fortunately, my boss and several other people in higher positions than mine are fighting for me. There is lots of very serious threats of my department (that would be me and my boss) leaving together if I decide that it isn't worth it to me to stay. I'm totally feeling the love from my office... I am however, disenfranchised with my company.

On a more positive note, I have a few job leads and will be perusing them. (mostly since they are on my side of the hill) We shall see what occurs. On the other hand, the people in charge at my current work say that my job will become full time again in 3-6 months. DO I really want to deal with this?


blue-foot Sue said...

Yikes! I DO think you should spread the word about your employment crisis. You need all the sympathy you can get! Even from total strangers.
When it happened to me back in 2002 I definitely appreciated friendly words.
I say, keep all your options open.
I'm sending good vibes your way.

littledevilworks said...

I'm not sure this qualifies as Blog Drama since that usually involves flaming someone else in your blog and having them flame you back.

That said, I'm sorry to hear that the company is not doing well. Good luck!