Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Voting day

This morning I realized that I get to vote. Once more, an American tradition that I like to uphold. Yah voting. Plus they give you a cute little 'I voted' sticker. Just goes to show you that everyone likes stickers.

Here is a good question, where have all the pictures from my blog gone? I was scrollong through then and they seem to not appear anymore. How bizarre. Where did they go? Is June national blog picture vacation month?

And further more... Well, there isn't actually more. I just felt like saying that, err, typing that. I'm off to do my citizenly right and vote for who I want. (Although truth to be told I only know about half of the issues I will be voting for. Perhaps now would be a good time for me to read the primary booklet that has been sitting next to my computer for several weeks.

I'm off to be a good American, and to skew statistics for my age group.


1 comment:

blue-foot Sue said...

It's nice to know you are doing your patriotic duty.
It's also good to know there is one more vote for Prop82.
I told the people at my polling place that my daughter said the only reason people come to vote is so they can get a sticker.
They thought that was about right.