Sunday, July 30, 2006

You Are a Mermaid

You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.

Death march Friday

At work we are having a summer camp for the kids. Most of our kids have never done any summer activities, and so with the wonderful leadership of one of our teen volunteers... The first summer camp is going strong. During the first week the kids discovered that fun had rules. They painted water bottles, did magic, went to the park for games and generally exhausted themselves so the parents told us. (In phone calls asking why their child was so worn out they couldn't stay awake until after dinner). It was great!!! Then came the first field trip. A nice hike up in the hills fairly close to the shelter. But what is this...? The kids had never hiked before and became really worried when confronted with signs of snakes, ticks, and mountain lions. Hum. Well, at least they will stay on the path, right? Well, sort of. We walked for about a mile and then stopped to have lunch. This part was fine. The kids were hyper and excited and everything. The problem was after lunch when they were tired the mile of walking home suddenly became a death march. It was full of "I can't make it" , "We're never going to be done", and my personal favorite "You are going to have to carry me because I can't walk anymore". All this for two miles? It's not as if it were really hot either (only in the 80's). So funny! However they perked right up when we gave them lolly-pops right before we got in the car and the water balloon fight, I hear, was really fun. So apparently the dead can come back to life. All it takes is a water balloon fight.

This weekend was awesome too. We went to Clear Lake to visit Chris's dad. There was boating and swimming and mini-golf and swimming and food and did I mention swimming? I had so much fun. Even though we are all sunburned and tired... The weekend rocked!

So as monday rolls around and with is August...


Friday, July 21, 2006


Yesterday I was driving home in that after work blah and I realized something...
The day was warm still and felt really nice, like a comfy blanket, the breeze was nicely flipping my hair around in the car and keeping me cooled off, the music on my radio was something I liked; All of this cam together and I realized... I'm happy.
Apart from all of the complaining and moaning I have been doing about little things (or not so little, stupid nail) I'm happy. Really happy. Things are working out right now, my life is good. Summer is a great season and I should be out in it more.
I just wanted to thank everyone in my life for making it so good. I'll try not to complain again for a while...

...even if the computers at work have gone off line again...

...and it's actually 100 degrees outside...

...and I don't get a vacation for a long time...

Life is good. Take a moment and bask in it's goodness.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Huge friggin nail

Yes, that's right. I just got back from the tire place (and for your further knowledge huge friggin nails are not covered in the warrenty) and they pulled a nail as long as my middle finger out of my tire. Now as everyone knows I have an 07 car... there are no 07 tires in stock yet. So I have one mismatched tire. Better yet... how did the nail get there to begin with? It is very possible that the nail was placed next to my tire by a pissed off resident at work. (We are currently evicting lots of families) So I am going to take the big friggin nail to work with me and see what the rest of the kids at work think.



I'm pissed. Really mad. My tire went flat last night. I haven't owned this stinking car for two months and I am already having issues with it!!! I should look on the bright side... it happened only two blocks from home, so I could finish my drive and not be stranded on a road side somewhere: I had the pleasure of changing to my spare tire right in my driveway: My tires are still under warranty. The negatives... My stinking tire is flat!!!! And now I have to spend the morning getting it replaced because there is no way I can drive over the hill on my spare. Aarrgg!! I really am calm. Really. Calm.

On the other hand... what other hand, I'm still pissed.

Ok. So last night I stole a TV from the homeless. Well, not really. I took home a TV that has been at the shelter for weeks with a 'take me home' sticker on it. I need a TV, no one wanted the one there, it became mine. See the system works. Sort of.

And now my flat tire, TV stealing self is going to the tire store to see what can be done this morning. Suck.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I just had a really great weekend in SLO. (San Luis Obispo) We were told by a man wo is very important in the small faires racket that we were awsome and he would invite us to any of his faires as our own group!!! *CHEERS* It was fun. Really fun. And not too hot. There was lots of singing and lots of romping around and generally being annoying. Awsome.

I don't actually have time to write much now (I just didn't want anyone to think I had forgotten you). I have to go get an oil change this morning (my very first). It's very exciting, but could lead to problems... like mechanic butt in my car. Oh well. A running car is better than anything else in the world... well, not really. But it's still good.
You Are An Ash Tree

You are vivacious and impulsive, which makes you extremely attractive to many.
Intelligent and demanding, you don't care much for criticism.
You have a ton of ambition and talent, and sometimes money rules your heart.
You like to play with fate, and you can be very egotistical and restless.
Demanding of attention, you need love and a lot of emotional support.


Thursday, July 13, 2006


Right now I am working... or would be if the computer system hadn't failed. So no files, no emails, no phone calls, and most importantly... no emails from my boss telling me what I should accomplish today. I'm getting paid to do nothing. Sweet. The big question on everyone's mind is this: How are you posting to the blog if the computers are down? Am I right? Well, the computers in the tooters room are not connected to the same network as the rest of the office. So I can waste my time looking up internet porn and shopping. I love my job.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The middle of the night

It's close to midnight and I can't sleep. My mind is racing at a mile a minute and I don't know why. I have already laid in bed and sang every long ballad song I know in my head and counted to five hundred. What else can I do? Write in my blog... see a good use for the computer.

Meanwhile, the raccoons (who have been making noises under and around the house for several days)are at it again. I have no idea what they are doing, just that it involves lots of crunching noises and cooing. (Go figure) Right now they are playing under the bath tub. Interesting.

Let's see, what else is going on. There is a lot of drama at work... staff members leaving without telling the boss and then having the office short staffed and more fun, the clients have gone insane. Literally. we sent several off to the hospital this week and I'm sure more will follow. There should be a soap opera... As the shelter turns... Right now we are making Jerry Springer look tame. But that's OK. Because I deal with the kids (who are taking this whole thing in stride) instead of their crazy parents (god help them all).

And now I am actually feeling tired. So it is with heavy eyelids I wish you a good night.


Big old geek

That's me. And as a non-repenting geek, I bring you the unadulterated joy of the new Dr. Who. I will admit that I didn't really watch the old ones (mostly I thought they were hokey and silly) but I have just spent the weekend emersed in Dr. Who and let me tell you... I loved it. Every silly, the world as we know it time will expand to kill us all moment of it. As the British say: It was lovely. The new plots and new adventures all follow the same idea as the first one and the Doctor himself refers back to his previous times (in the 70's) when he saved the Earth. I love the way the Dr. always looks really happy when everything is about to go completely wrong. It's great. So if you want some advice from a geek... Dr. Who rocks!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me

Wonderful! Fantastic! Totally funny! I loved it! (look, I'm making my own reviews) Pirates was great. Biggest issue: (and here is where I start talking about plot, so if you still want a mystery and haven't seen the movie, don't read the rest of this paragraph)Stupid cliff hanger. I understand this movie is the middle one of the three... But really, do we need another Empire strikes back? Someone is dead, someone comes back from the dead, and one of the bad guys has the thing we spent the entire movie searching for. I mean really! I was also a little annoyed that they re-used jokes. I understand that they were trying to tie the movies together, but using the same funny lines from the first movie just makes them tired in the second. And what was with all of the fights on rolling things? Cages rolling, water wheels rolling ect... Don't get me wrong I loved this movie. I can't wait for the next one to come out. But I hope they came up with something new for us to see. By the way, I finally like the character of Elizabeth. She was useless before, but this time she is underhanded, sneaky, and actually worth air time. Sweet!!!!! Go and see this movie!

Moving on, wonderful news! I am back to forty hours a week!!! My boss called and told me that as of Monday my hours are back to normal!!! (I really wonder why, I'll let you know Monday after I ask what happened) So I have no more reason to complain constantly about my job! Yahoo!!!!!! That takes a huge load off my mind.

I want to gang training yesterday. It is really fun. (well, not so much fun when you are falling asleep, but that is what happens when you go to midnight movies the night before and only get three hours of sleep) I now have a map of Santa Clara county with all of the known gang areas listed and told who they belong to. We are apparently in the middle of one, but that's OK. We don't really have a gang problem.

I have nothing more to say and Sanditchka is on the phone so I will write more later.


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Looking up

Alright, I was in a bad mood earlier. But now things are looking up. I just got tickets to see the second pirate movie tonight!!! Yahoo!!!!!!! I'll be there at midnight. Ah, I just love pirates.

What do they know!?!

You Are Not Scary

Everyone loves you. Isn't that sweet?


You Are Big Bird

Talented, smart, and friendly... you're also one of the sanest people around.

You are usually feeling: Happy. From riding a unicycle to writing poetry, you have plenty of hobbies to keep you busy.

You are famous for: Being a friend to everyone. Even the grumpiest person gets along with you.

How you life your life: Joyfully. "Super. Duper. Flooper."

I hate This

I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! I hate this!

If you can't already guess, I am upset. Today is the first day of my actual exile from the office. It's almost 10 and I'm really pissed. What in the world am I supposed to do today? I have weekends to do all this other stuff, and it's not like I can go to the gym for eight hours.

I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! I hate this! I hate this!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy Birthday America

I just spent a very happy two hours watching the best display of fireworks SC has to offer. I was standing on the becah cliff and could see all the way into SC and all the way down the coast line. It's beautiful. Al kinds of colors and explosions!!! Wonderful!!!

Another very positive thing to come out of this was an idea to hold a gaslight LARP. (in October, so mark your calenders) We were planning all kinds of fun stuff: vendettas, murder, and punch! I want to know if the place we want to hold this allows candles so I can decorate and mood light. Oh, how wonderful. This has been a great 4th. (The whole reason this started is I was making a victorian coat for myself, but made a muslin with stripped material. It was too big for me, but Miss B loved it. So it is now hers, or will be when it is totally finished. Then we began a discussion on when we could possibly wear them. Hence, Gaslight LARP. This has been a trip through the last several hours of my life. Goodnight.)


Monday, July 03, 2006


I just got up from a nightmare. I was shopping at Longs and went outside and my car had been stolen. It was awful! No one would help me. The clerk said we don't need to call the police, It will be here when we close. And I couldn't get the phone to call. Then someone said that I wasn't going to get the full price of it back anyway and would only get something like 2000 dollars.

Chris informed me that I was thrashing all night. I can't remember the last time I had a nightmare. Apparently it's on my mind.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Week in review

Monday was a 'normal' working day. On tuesday I went in early so we could close the office early and say good-bye to an office mate who has it rougher than me (she was laid off, not just reduced) On wednesday I made two baby blankets... Way too cute! ... and then we had a baby shower for our meeting. So much fun! So much food! I ended up staying late at work for a co-worker so he could visit his brother inthe hospital. On thurday, well, that was a 'normal' day too. But Friday... I went to the grand opening of our new transitional housing complex in the morning. Which led to going to lunch (because we were in Gilroy after all) and opening the office at 1. Then I managed to run the copier out of toner and the printer (both mine and the one in front) died. But the tech guy was there. He said to use another server. *sheesh* I got to sit and wait for someone to do a drug pee test (which this person refused) and then we decided to go home. It was about 5p.

Now this is not a normal week. Although, I will not be having 'normal' weeks for quite some time. I can't wait until the final decision is made on my work week. By the way, still annoied baout all of that!

Positives: I went to Sandra's house warming. Her place is beautiful!!! It's all cute and woodsey! I love it! It's the 4th of July weekend and traffic in SC is not that bad. I got to go out to dinner and a movie with two of my favorite women folk (even if they did take me to Nacho Libre) And I am bout to have french toast. How fun. On Tuesday I am going to stand on the beach cliffs and watch the fireworks. It's always beautiful. See, I'm in the holiday spirit already!


You Are Rogue

You're reluctantly special. In fact, you long to be normal.
You consider your powers to be a curse, and something you can't control.

Powers: absorbing other people's memories and abilities, weakening and killing people with your touch