Saturday, July 08, 2006

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me

Wonderful! Fantastic! Totally funny! I loved it! (look, I'm making my own reviews) Pirates was great. Biggest issue: (and here is where I start talking about plot, so if you still want a mystery and haven't seen the movie, don't read the rest of this paragraph)Stupid cliff hanger. I understand this movie is the middle one of the three... But really, do we need another Empire strikes back? Someone is dead, someone comes back from the dead, and one of the bad guys has the thing we spent the entire movie searching for. I mean really! I was also a little annoyed that they re-used jokes. I understand that they were trying to tie the movies together, but using the same funny lines from the first movie just makes them tired in the second. And what was with all of the fights on rolling things? Cages rolling, water wheels rolling ect... Don't get me wrong I loved this movie. I can't wait for the next one to come out. But I hope they came up with something new for us to see. By the way, I finally like the character of Elizabeth. She was useless before, but this time she is underhanded, sneaky, and actually worth air time. Sweet!!!!! Go and see this movie!

Moving on, wonderful news! I am back to forty hours a week!!! My boss called and told me that as of Monday my hours are back to normal!!! (I really wonder why, I'll let you know Monday after I ask what happened) So I have no more reason to complain constantly about my job! Yahoo!!!!!! That takes a huge load off my mind.

I want to gang training yesterday. It is really fun. (well, not so much fun when you are falling asleep, but that is what happens when you go to midnight movies the night before and only get three hours of sleep) I now have a map of Santa Clara county with all of the known gang areas listed and told who they belong to. We are apparently in the middle of one, but that's OK. We don't really have a gang problem.

I have nothing more to say and Sanditchka is on the phone so I will write more later.


1 comment:

blue-foot Sue said...

I managed to see Pirates in Dublin.
I agree with everything in your review. I even referred to The Empire Strikes Back.
I was quite disappointed that it has a yet-to-come sequel but I thought it was a fun ride.
A review in a Dublin paper said: who would have thought that you could make a movie about an amusement ride? The reviewer went on to say: I never once thought when I was riding on a Ferris wheel or a roller-coaster "this would make a great movie!"

btw, congratulations on getting back to 40 hours! I'm sure you are enormously relieved. I will be interested to hear where the funding came from.