Sunday, July 02, 2006

Week in review

Monday was a 'normal' working day. On tuesday I went in early so we could close the office early and say good-bye to an office mate who has it rougher than me (she was laid off, not just reduced) On wednesday I made two baby blankets... Way too cute! ... and then we had a baby shower for our meeting. So much fun! So much food! I ended up staying late at work for a co-worker so he could visit his brother inthe hospital. On thurday, well, that was a 'normal' day too. But Friday... I went to the grand opening of our new transitional housing complex in the morning. Which led to going to lunch (because we were in Gilroy after all) and opening the office at 1. Then I managed to run the copier out of toner and the printer (both mine and the one in front) died. But the tech guy was there. He said to use another server. *sheesh* I got to sit and wait for someone to do a drug pee test (which this person refused) and then we decided to go home. It was about 5p.

Now this is not a normal week. Although, I will not be having 'normal' weeks for quite some time. I can't wait until the final decision is made on my work week. By the way, still annoied baout all of that!

Positives: I went to Sandra's house warming. Her place is beautiful!!! It's all cute and woodsey! I love it! It's the 4th of July weekend and traffic in SC is not that bad. I got to go out to dinner and a movie with two of my favorite women folk (even if they did take me to Nacho Libre) And I am bout to have french toast. How fun. On Tuesday I am going to stand on the beach cliffs and watch the fireworks. It's always beautiful. See, I'm in the holiday spirit already!

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