Sunday, July 30, 2006

Death march Friday

At work we are having a summer camp for the kids. Most of our kids have never done any summer activities, and so with the wonderful leadership of one of our teen volunteers... The first summer camp is going strong. During the first week the kids discovered that fun had rules. They painted water bottles, did magic, went to the park for games and generally exhausted themselves so the parents told us. (In phone calls asking why their child was so worn out they couldn't stay awake until after dinner). It was great!!! Then came the first field trip. A nice hike up in the hills fairly close to the shelter. But what is this...? The kids had never hiked before and became really worried when confronted with signs of snakes, ticks, and mountain lions. Hum. Well, at least they will stay on the path, right? Well, sort of. We walked for about a mile and then stopped to have lunch. This part was fine. The kids were hyper and excited and everything. The problem was after lunch when they were tired the mile of walking home suddenly became a death march. It was full of "I can't make it" , "We're never going to be done", and my personal favorite "You are going to have to carry me because I can't walk anymore". All this for two miles? It's not as if it were really hot either (only in the 80's). So funny! However they perked right up when we gave them lolly-pops right before we got in the car and the water balloon fight, I hear, was really fun. So apparently the dead can come back to life. All it takes is a water balloon fight.

This weekend was awesome too. We went to Clear Lake to visit Chris's dad. There was boating and swimming and mini-golf and swimming and food and did I mention swimming? I had so much fun. Even though we are all sunburned and tired... The weekend rocked!

So as monday rolls around and with is August...


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