Thursday, April 06, 2006

Colds: agony of the throat

I hate sore throats. Really hate them. There is nothing you can do to make them feel better and they hurt when you want to talk, or swallow, or do anything useful like breath. They are also always the first sign of me getting sick. I don't wanna be sick. I blame everything at the Christmas gathering last weekend. Suck.

On the other hand, finding out that a friend of mine from high school is a shift leader at starbucks makes me feel... well, almost happy. Not that he is working at a starbucks, but that I am not the only one who was stuck in retail hell for so long. I was beginning to think I was alone in that. (Well, except for Wendi who really likes working retail...Wired) But now I am out. Out, you hear!!!! Free!!!!!!! Ahm. Sorry. Got a bit out of control there.

Part of my new grown up abilities is the ability to sign up for a 403(B) plan... which is like a 401(k) plan but for non-profits. (Is that clear?) Well, I called up one of the phone numbers that the company that represents my company told me to call...and she had no idea what I was talking about. Which I think is fair because, well, I don't have a clue what I am talking about either. After several moments of both of us being confused, a shaft of understanding hit her and she decided that we had better meet and talk... in ten days. Right. OK. Now we are getting somewhere. She also (somehow) figured out that I had never invested before (gee, how did she know?) and that I had no idea what I was doing (really, me? and I fake it so well). So hopefully this whole thing will work out well. I'll keep you posted. Perhaps I will have a financial future after all.

But more exciting than that I have to leave for work in about half an hour... (not retail anymore)


1 comment:

littledevilworks said...

Aha you finally told me where you are so I can read you daily. I remain always yours, The Fluffinator.