Sunday, April 09, 2006

The Papasan Chair; adventures in almost groundscoring

Starring Ms. Erin B and Mrs. Adie S....

(All events are true, while conversations and attitudes might be slightly *or completely* fabricated)

One fine sunny (mostly) spring day our two heroines were driving towards one of their favorite destinations, the craft store. They had a romping good time whilst there and bought the finishing touches to the formentioned (in another posting) wedding album. After this was completed, out beautiful duo was attempting to return home when Adie noticed a problem.

"We're almost out of gas." Adie quite mildly informed her companion. "Perhaps we should get some."
"Yes, let's." declared Erin, with a smile of delight. "I so love the gas station. It is full of gassy fun."
"Oh yes!" Exclaimed Adie. "Perhaps it is good that we are traveling downhill though," Adie remarked thoughtfully. "Otherwise we might not make it to the gas station."
"Humm, " Replied Erin. "Yes, but I don't suppose it would take more than one of us to push you automobile."
"Quite true!" Grinned Adie. "Quite true"

And as our friends ruminated on this something caught the discerning eye of Mrs. A.

"Oh my." Shouted Adie demurly. "Didn't you once admit to wanting a papasan chair?"
"Why yes," Uttered Erin. "I have wanted one for quite a long time. Why do you ask?"
"I did just detect one by the side of the road." Smiled Adie. "Shall I procure it for you?"
"Can we really?" Asked Erin, as a smile of childish glee crossed over her features. "I have so always wanted one."
"Well then, let me just take the longest route possible to return and pick up this wonderful ground score." Grinned Adie as she pulled into the right turn lane.
"Oh, " announced Erin. "Don't you think we should get gas first?" Her worried face turned towards her friend.
"Don't worry about the gas, my dear." Adie said with a smirk. "You might, however worry about fitting a rather large chair into the back of my very small car."
"Alright, " Said Erin satisfied that the gas situation was well under control. "I shall knock the backseats down in order to fit this miraculous chair."
"What a fabulous idea!" Cheered Adie. "You are so very cleaver for thinking of it."

So the two sped quickly towards the marvelous chair. As they neared it, Adie pulled the car to the side of the road and pushed on her hazard lights. Erin, with immense forethought pulled up the hood on her sweatshirt so onlookers might not be frightened by her frenzied throwing of said chair into the car. But our friends hopes' were quickly dashed when it was discovered the indeed the papasan chair did not fit into the back of a geo metro. With sidelong glances and heartfelt regret the two quickly returned to the vehicle and drove off in search of gas.

But don't be fooled by the sad ending of this story. The two continued on their merry way towards gas, make-up, hair dye, and a discussion about how hot pink was probably not the most professional color for your hair to be when you arrive at work on Monday morning.

The End.

1 comment:

littledevilworks said...

Ahhh I see the problem. Perhaps next time you should fold the Geo up neatly and put it in the Papasan chair. :)