Have you ever gone to a job interview or sat around with friends as they ask you the dreaded question... "So, where do you see yourself in five years?" I hate this question. And I am sure my answer always reflects that I hate it, even if I try to hide my disdain. I was thinking about why I hate this question, and the truth is, because I don't have any freaking clue where I want to be in five years. If I knew the answer to that question, I wouldn't be sitting through stupid interviews for jobs which I don't think I really want anyway!! *Sigh* I think I want to get my MSW and work for CPS. But then I realize what all of that is going to mean... Two years of grad school that I don't have a clue how I am going to pay for or even if they will let me in. Then I think well, I don't want to stay in my current job, not because I don't like it, but because it's not going to change or take me up the ladder of success any time soon. But then I have moments where I think about this cool program at the local JC where I could learn field research techniques and do Archaeology for the state. It wouldn't cost half as much as an MSW but would be very interesting and keep me occupied until I was ready for grad school. If I really wanted to go... If I really want an MSW... If, if, if...
I need a sign boys and girls. A sign of biblical proportions that will tell me what to do. I need a friggin burning bush or a dream about an ark. Maybe a crystal ball with my future inside. I only need a glimpse of five years from now. A little fast forward into the future. I'm not asking for stock prices or anything, just a little help figuring out the next few years.
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